Cognitive Behavioral Therapy:
A Proven Approach to Counseling in Southern Maryland

By Molly Stackhouse

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of therapy that focuses on changing the way people think and behave. It is a short-term, goal-oriented approach that is effective for a wide range of mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and chronic pain.

What is cognitive behavioral therapy?

CBT is based on the idea that our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are all connected. When we have negative thoughts, it can lead to negative feelings and behaviors. CBT helps people to identify and challenge their negative thoughts, and to develop more helpful and realistic thoughts. This can lead to a change in feelings and behaviors, and to improved mental health.

Benefits of cognitive behavioral therapy

If you are looking for a cognitive behavioral therapist in Southern Maryland or Calvert County, we would be happy to help! Our therapists have numerous years of experience. If you are interested in learning more about therapy in Calvert County, I encourage you to reach out to a therapist and  schedule an appointment  

Molly Stackhouse is a therapist located in Calvert County, Maryland.  She owns a private practice located in Southern Maryland where she specializes in working with adolescents adults who experience panic attacks. Additionally, she has a strong understanding of the different types of trauma and the different ways that people respond to trauma. She uses a variety of therapeutic approaches, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), and brainspotting. Additionally, she is a nationally certified school psychologist. If you are interested in services, use the link here

Blog information and content by Southern Maryland Mental Health, LLC were produced only for informational purposes. The content is not meant to replace professional medical or psychiatric diagnosis, treatment, or advice. When in doubt about a medical or psychological problem, always consult a licensed professional or other knowledgeable health care provider. Never postpone getting competent medical or psychiatric guidance as a result of what you have read on this website. By reading and using any content produced by Southern Maryland Mental Health, LLC, you agree that neither a therapeutic nor a medical relationship with any professional is being established.
Call 911, go to the emergency room, or contact your doctor right away if you believe you may be experiencing a medical emergency.